Evangelina Schwindt
Founding Director (2003-present)
My research focuses on marine and estuarine biological invasions at a global and regional level. I am interested in understanding the patterns and processes that occur in invasions from a historical and current perspective, the impact generated by invasive species and possible management strategies. The research program that I direct at the GEAC has the mission of creating novel knowledge about how the species that make up these coastal communities interact, and contributing to the design of management strategies and regulations in marine biological invasions based on scientific evidence.
Berenice Trovant
Investigadora asistente
Mi investigación se enfoca en la filogenia, filogeografía y evolución de organismos marinos tanto nativos como exóticos. En el contexto de las invasiones biológicas, estudio el estatus, origen, eventos de introducción, conectividad y diversidad genética de las poblaciones invasoras, con el objetivo de comprender su impacto y las dinámicas que afectan su dispersión y adaptación en nuevos ambientes.
Alejandro Bortolus
Director Fundador (2003-2022)
The research program that I lead at the GEAC explores: 1) the factors that give rise and shape coastal environments in the present and throughout their history, and 2) scientific, cultural and ethical problems that alter the perception that scientists we have of Nature. The framework of my research and concerns has been, for almost 30 years, the problem of Biological Invasions.
Nicolás Battini
Assistant researcher
Currently, my line of research focuses on the study of the structure and functioning of marine food webs, to understand how they are influenced by the establishment of invasive exotic species. Particularly, I am interested in knowing what are the characteristics of the food webs that facilitate the establishment of invasive exotic species, and vice versa. At the same time, I aim to understand the effects that these species produce on native communities at the ecosystem level from the perspective of trophic ecology.
Current Students
Karen L. Castro
During my PhD I studied the anthropic patterns and processes involved in the regional dispersal of exotic species and their implications for the development of management strategies in Argentina. Particularly, I am interested in addressing the management of marine biological invasions from different approaches that range from monitoring areas of interest to the study and management of vectors, generating new inputs that contribute to the development of management strategies. Additionally, I am interested in learning about people's perception and public knowledge of marine biological invasions and how these perspectives can be incorporated into the decision-making process.
Clara Giachetti
I am a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET and I study the effects of exotic ascidians on fouling communities. To do this, I carried out experiments at the Puerto Madryn port to evaluate how the density of sea squirts affects the diversity of these communities. Additionally, I compare the invertebrate communities associated with exotic ascidians to the communities associated with dominant native species, such as mussels and cholgas, on rocky reefs and on artificial structures. Knowing the effects of exotic species helps us design early detection and management plans to prevent their dispersion on the coasts of Argentina.
Mariano Malvé
I am a doctoral fellow at CONICET. My current project focuses on the effects of the invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, on rocky intertidal communities in Patagonia, Argentina. During the course of my PhD, intensive field campaigns will be conducted along a latitudinal gradient, and experiments will be carried out both in the field and in aquariums. The results obtained will advance our understanding of the changes invasive species cause in coastal ecosystems and help anticipate the potential effects they have on other species.
Collaborating Researchers
James T. Carlton
Williams College Mystic Marine
Estados Unidos

Enrique Morsán

Marcos Tatián

Claudio De Francesco

Paola Reyna

Marcela Tonello

María Martha "Pitu" Mendez

Fabrizio Scarabino

Former Students
Emilia Calcagno
Sofía Haller
Pamela Quiroga
Carlos "Litos" Rumbold
CIT Santa Cruz (CONICET)
Verónica Savoya
María Cruz Sueiro
María Emilia Diez
Yanina L. Idaszkin
María Paula Raffo
Ileana Ríos
Verónica "Colo" Soñez