GEAC in the Media
Deconstructing Ecological Mirages with Help from Historic Literature
Within South America’s coastal ecosystems, salt marshes are dominated by an iconic species, the smooth salt marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. This species is an ecological engineer, shaping the environmental evolution of many coastal ecosystems worldwide. For more than a decade, Bortolus and his colleagues have been examining historic records and accounts from early settlers and naturalists, leading to the conclusion that S. alterniflora was actually introduced to South America.
Iconic whaler becomes devoted to education and environmental conservancy
Charles W. Morgan, the emblematic whaler, is floating again in the Northern Atlantic after reaching 172 years. Nevertheless, its goal will be no longer to hunt whales. Restorers have reinvented the Morgan (as it is locally known) to become, instead, an efficient educational tool regarding maritime history and environmental concervancy topics.
CENPAT - CONICET researchers and directors of the Grupo de Ecología en Ambientes Costeros, Evangelina Schwindt and Alejandro Bortolus lectured on the ecological, economical and social risks that biological invasions may pose to our coasts, and they emphasized the importance of programming preventive measures and building awareness.