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Artículos científicos

Anchor 2


Hill-Spanik K, Rothkopf H, Carnegie R, Carlton JT, Couceiro L, Crooks J, Endo H, Hori M, Kamiya M, Kanaya G, Kochmann J, Lee K, Lees L, Nakaoka M, Pante E, Ruesink J, Schwindt E, Strand A, Taylor R, Terada R, Thiel M, Yorisue T, Zacherl D, Sotka E

Exploring the impact of the widely introduced Pacific oyster Magallana gigas on the dispersal of Bonamia (Haplosporida): A global snapshot

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 161: 39-46


Ahmed DA, Sousa R, Bortolus A, Aldemir C, Angeli NF, Błonska D, Briski E, Britton JR, Cano-Barbacil C, Clark-Ginsberg A, Culic I, Cuthbert R, Dick JT, Dimarco RD, Essl F, Everts T, García-Berthou E, Hauer M, Kouba A, Kourantidou M, Kutschera U, Mammola S, Martín-Forés I, Morissette O, Nuñez MA, Olden JD, Pârvulescu L, Pergl J, Renault D, Rico-Sánchez AE, Russell JC, Soto I, Serhan Tarkan A, Uysal TU, Verreycken H, Vilizzi L, Wasserman R, Wehi PM, Haubrock PJ

Parallels and discrepancies between non-native species introductions and human migration

Biological Reviews


Malvé M, Battini N, Cordone G, Cortés JI, Galván DE, Livore JP, Suárez N, Yorio P, Schwindt E, Mendez MM

Potential impacts and priority areas of research of the on-going invasion of green crabs along the SW Atlantic

Environmental Reviews 33: 1-19


Malvé M, Battini N, Livore JP, Schwindt E, Mendez MM

Spatial overlap and trophic interactions between a native commercial crab and the European green crab in Atlantic Patagonia

Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 312: 109044


Schwindt E, August T, Vanderhoeven S, McGeoch M, Bacher S, Galil B, Genovesi P, Hulme P, Ikeda T, Lezner B, Nuñez MA, Ordonez A, Pauchard A, Rahlao S, Renard Truong T, Roy HE, Sankaran K, Seebens H, Sheppard A, Stoet P, Vandvik J, Wilson J, Meyerson LA

Overwhelming evidence galvanizes a global consensus on the need for action against Invasive Alien Species

Biological Invasions 26: 621-626


Roy HE, Pauchard A, Stoet P, Renard Truong T, Meyerson LA, Bacher S, Galil B, Hulme P, Ikeda T, Sankaran K, McGeoch MA, Nuñez MA, Ordonez A, Rahlao S, Schwindt E, Seebens H, Sheppard A, Vandvik V, Aleksanyan A, Ansong M, August T, Blanchard R, Brugnoli E, Bukombe JK, Bwalya B, Byun C, Camacho-Cervantes M, Cassey P, Castillo ML, Courchamp F, Dehnen-Schmutz K, Zenni RD, Egawa C, Essl F, Fayvush G, Fernandez RD, Fernandez M, Foxcroft LC, Genovesi P, Groom QJ, González AI, Helm A, Herrera I, Hiremath AJ, Howard PL, Hui C, Ikegami M, Keskin E, Koyama A, Ksenofontov S, Lezner B, Lipinskaya T, Lockwood J, Mangwa DC, Martinou AF, McDermott SM, Morales CL, Müllerová J, Mungi NA, Munishi LK, Ojaveer H, Pagad SN, Pallewatta NPKTS, Peacock LR, Per E, Pergl J, Preda C, Pyšek P, Rai RK, Ricciardi A, Richardson DM, Riley S, Rono BJ, Ryan-Colton E, Saeedi H, Shrestha BB, Simberloff D, Tawake A, Tricarico E, Vanderhoeven S, Vicente J, Vilà M, Wanzala W, Werenkraut V, Weyl OLF, Wilson J, Xavier RO, Ziller SR

Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable

Nature Ecology and Evolution


Simberloff D, Bortolus A, Carlton JT, Courchamp F, Cuthbert R, Hulme P, Lockwood J, Meyerson LA, Nuñez MA, Ricciardi A, Richardson DM, Schwindt E

Systematic and persistent bias against invasion science: Framing conservation scientists



Mendez MM, Schwindt E

Anthropogenic stressors and rocky shore communities along Atlantic Patagonia: The need of including coastal biodiversity in marine protected areas planning

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34(8): e4228


Soto I, Balzani P, Carneiro L, Cuthbert RN, Macêdo R, Serhan Tarkan A, Ahmed DA Bang A, Bacela-Spychalska K, Bailey SA, Baudry T, Ballesteros-Mejia L, , Bortolus A, Briski E, Britton JR, Buřič M, Camacho-Cervantes M, Carlos Cano-Barbacil, Copilaș-Ciocianu D, Coughlan NE, Courtois P, Csabai Z, Dalu T, De Santis V, Dickey JWE, Dimarco RD, Falk-Andersson J, Fernandez RD, Florencio M, Franco ACS, Galil BS, García-Berthou E, Giannetto D, Glavendekic MM, Grabowski M, Heringer G, Herrera I, Huang W, Kamelamela KL, Kirichenko NI, Kouba A, Kourantidou M, Kurtul I, Laufer G, Liu C, López-López E, Lozano V, Mammola S, Meshkova V, Meyerson LM, Milardi M, Musolin DL, Nuñez MA, Oficialdegui FJ, Patoka J, Pattison Z, Petrusek A, Pincheira-Donoso D, Piria M, Probert AF, Rasmussen JJ, Renault D, Ribeiro F, Rilov G, Robinson TB, Sanchez AE , Schwindt E, South J, Stoett P, Verreycken H, Vilizzi L, WangY-J, Watari Y, Wehi PM, Wiberg-Larsen P, Yapıcı S, Yoğurtçuoğlu B, Zenni RD, Dick JTA, Russell JC, Ricciardi A, Simberloff D, Bradshaw CJA, Haubrock PJ

Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science

Biological Reviews


Schneider MD, Sogbanmu TO, Rubin H, Bortolus A, Chukwu EE, Heesen R, Hewitt C, Kaufer R, Metzen H, Mitova V, Schwenkenbecher A, Schwindt E, Slanikova E, Woolaston K, Yu L

Science–policy research collaborations need philosophers

Nature Human Behaviour


Carlton JT, Schwindt E

The assessment of marine bioinvasion diversity and history

Biological Invasions 26: 237-298


Nuñez MA, August T, Bacher S, Galil B, Hulme P, Ikeda T, McGeoch M, Ordonez A, Rahlao S, Renard Truong T, Pauchard A, Roy HE, Sankaran K, Schwindt E, Seebens H, Sheppard A, Stoet P, Vandvik J, Meyerson LA

Including a diverse set of voices to address biological invasions

Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39(5): 409-412


Briski E, Kotronaki S, Cuthbert R, Bortolus A, Campbell M, Dick J, Fofonoff P, Galil B, Hewitt C, Lockwood J, MacIsaac H, Ricciardi A, Ruiz G, Schwindt E, Sommer U, Zhan A, Carlton JT

Does non-native diversity mirror Earth's biodiversity?

Global Ecology and Biogeography 23(1): 48-62


Heesen R, Rubin H, Schneider MD, Woolaston K, Bortolus A, Chukwu EE, Kaufer R, Mitova V, Schwenkenbecher A, Schwindt E, Slanickova E, Sogbanmu TO, Hewitt C

A model of faulty and faultless disagreement for post-hoc assessments of knowledge utilization in evidence-based policymaking

Scientific Reports 14(18495):


Arijón M, Castro KL, Trobbiani G, Aguayo G, Wiff R, Irigoyen A

Variación temporal en estimaciones de abundancia de Panopea abbreviata en diferentes sustratos: Monitoreo mediante vídeo remoto de bajo costo en el Golfo San Matías, Atlántico Sur

Ecología Austral 34: 364-376


Chukwu EE, Woolaston K, Kaufer R, Bortolus A, Hewitt C, Schwindt E, Sogbanmu TO, Schwenkenbecher A, Rubin H, Slanickova E, Schneider MD, Heesen R, Mitova V

Examining self-described policy- relevant evidence base for policymaking: an evidence map of COVID-19 literature

BMJ Public Health 2(2): e000694


Giménez LH, Battini N, González-Muñoz R, Glon H

Invader in disguise for decades: the plumose sea anemone Metridium senile in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean

Biological Invasions 25: 2159-2173


Verónica S, Idaszkin YL, Bortolus A

How does invasive Spartina densiflora respond to contrasting environmental conditions in its native region?

Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (en prensa)


Reyna P, Alurralde G, Taverna A, Calcagno E, Scarabino F, Vélez-Rubio G, Tatián M, Schwindt E

Hotspot areas of marine introduced species in the Southwestern Atlantic

Marine Ecology Progress Series 725: 15-28


Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Biological invasions and human dimensions: We still need to work hard on our social perspectives

Ecología Austral 32: 767-783


Castro KL, Epherra L, Raffo MP, Morsan E, Rubilar T

Changes in the diet of the native sea urchin Arbacia dufresnii at different scenarios of the Undaria pinnatifida invasion (Patagonia, Argentina)

Food Webs 31: e00221


Schwindt E, Battini N, Bortolus A, Junqueira A, Scarabino F

20 years of marine bioinvasions research: achievements and challenges for the Southwestern Atlantic

Ecología Austral 32: 734-748


Ashton G, Freestone AL, Duffy JE, Torchin ME, Sewall BJ, Tracy B, Albano M, Altieri AH, Altvater L, Bastida-Zavala R, Bortolus A, Brante A, Bravo V, Brown N, Buschmann A, Buskey E, Calderón Barrera R, Cheng B, Collin R, Coutinho R, De Gracia L, Dias J, DiBacco C, Flores A, Haddad MA, Hoffman Z, Ibañez Erquiaga B, Janiak D, Jiménez Campeán A, Keith I, Leclerc J, Lecompte-Pérez OP, Otigara Longo G, Matthews-Cascon H, McKenzie C, Miller J, Munizaga M, Naval-Xavier L, Navarrete S, Otálora C, Palomino-Alvarez L, Palomo G, Patrick C, Pegau C, Pereda S, Rocha R, Rumbold C", Sánchez C, Sanjuan-Muñoz A, Schwindt E, Schloder C, Seemann J, Shanks A, Simoes N, Skinner L, Suárez-Mozo N, Thiel M, Valdivia N, Velez-Zuazo X, Vieira E, Vildoso B, Wehrtmann I, Whalen M, Wilbur L, Ruiz G

Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude

Science 376: 1215-1219


López-Gappa JJ, Liuzzi M, Castro KL, Bobinac M, Schwindt E

Fouling bryozoans in Argentine harbours (Southwest Atlantic): new records and the description of a new species

Zootaxa 5205(4): 374-400


Braga R, Van der Mole S, Rodriguez Y, Fernández-Giménez A, Battini N, Ortiz N, Rosas C

Morphophysiological responses of Octopus tehuelchus juveniles during the transition period between endogenous and exogenous feeding

Aquaculture 556: 738269


Barbosa R, Halac S, Schwindt E, Tatián M

Seasonality of phytoplankton community and dynamics of autotrophic carbon in a cold temperate port (Argentina)

European Journal of Phycology 57(3): 342-356


Giachetti CB, Battini N, Castro KL, Schwindt E

The smaller, the most delicious: Differences on vulnerability to predation between juvenile and adult of invasive ascidians

Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 268: 107810


Giachetti CB, Tatián M, Schwindt E

Differences in the gonadal cycle between two ascidians species, Ascidiella aspersa and Ciona robusta, help to explain their invasion success in a cold temperate port

Polar Biology 45: 1689-1701


Trovant B, Signorelli J, Battini N

Invasive pest spreads beyond the last frontier: Corbicula clam in the Chubut River, Patagonia

Limnology 24: 1-8


Hesketh A, Schwindt E, Harley C

Ecological and environmental context shape the differential effects of a facilitator in its native and invaded ranges

Ecology 102(10): e03478


Battini N, Giachetti CB, Castro KL, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

New invasive predator reduces the abundance of native prey in a cold-temperate marine fouling community

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(10): 2842-2854


Battini N, Bravo G

Unexpected meal: first record of predation upon a potentially neurotoxic sea slug by the European green crab Carcinus maenas

New Zealand Journal of Zoology 48(2): 166-173


Bravo G, Livore JP, Battini N, Gastaldi M, Lauretta D, Brogger M, Raffo MP, Lagger C, Bigatti G

Rocky reef biodiversity survey: Punta Pardelas, Argentina

Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e72081


Battini N, Giachetti CB, Castro KL, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Predator–prey interactions as key drivers for the invasion success of a potentially neurotoxic sea slug

Biological Invasions 23(4): 1207-1229


Castro KL, Battini N, Giachetti CB, Trovant B, Abelando M, Basso NG, Schwindt E

Early detection of marine invasive species following the deployment of an artificial reef: Integrating tools to assist the decision-making process

Journal of Environmental Management 297: 113333


Schwindt E, Orensanz JM", Scarabino F, Bortolus A

Past and future of the marine bioinvasions along the Southwestern Atlantic

Aquatic Invasions 15: 11-29


Battini N, Bortolus A

A major threat to a unique ecosystem

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18: 51


Meloni M, Correa N, Bettini Pitombo F, Chiesa I, Doti B, Elías R, Genzano G, Giachetti CB, Giménez D, López-Gappa JJ, Pastor C, Pereira Wandeness A, Ramírez F, Roccatagliata D, Schulze-Sylvester M, Tatián M, Zelaya D, Sylvester F

In-water and dry-dock hull fouling assessments reveal high risk for regional translocation of nonindigenous species in the southwestern Atlantic



Giachetti CB, Battini N, Castro KL, Schwindt E

Invasive ascidians: How predators reduce their dominance in artificial structures in cold temperate areas

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 533: 151459


Fowler A, Blakeslee A, Bortolus A, Dias J, Tepolt C, Schwindt E

Current research, pressing issues, and lingering questions in marine invasion science: lessons from the Tenth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (ICMB-X)

Aquatic Invasions 15: 1-10


Castro KL, Giachetti CB, Battini N, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Cleaning by beaching: introducing a new alternative for hull biofouling management in Argentina

Aquatic Invasions 15(1): 63-80


Bailey SA, Brown L, Campbell M, Canning-Clode J, Carlton JT, Castro N, Chainho P, Chan F, Creed J, Curd A, Darling J, Fofonoff P, Galil B, Hewitt C, Inglis G, Keith I, Mandrak N, Marchini A, McKenzie C, Occhipinti-Ambrogi A, Ojaveer H, Pires-Teixeira L, Robinson T, Ruiz G, Seaward K, Schwindt E, Son M, Therriault T, Zhan A

Trends in the detection of aquatic non-indigenous species across global marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems: A 50-year perspective

Diversity and Distributions


Rumbold C", Battini N, Giachetti CB, Castro KL, Obenat S, Schwindt E

Biological invasions in artificial habitats: factors that determine the presence of native and exotic peracarid Crustacea species in Southwestern Atlantic

Marine Biology Research


Barbieri E, Medina C, Vázquez N, Fiorito C, Martelli A, Wigdorovitz A, Schwindt E, Morga B, Renault T, Parreño V, Barón P

First detection of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 in wild Crassostrea gigas in Argentina

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 166: 107222


Battini N, Farías NE, Giachetti CB, Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Staying ahead of invaders: using species distribution modeling to predict alien species’ potential niche shifts.

Marine Ecology Progress Series 612: 127-140


Farías NE, Goya AB, Schwindt E, Obenat S, Dhanji-Rapkova M, Turner AD

The invasive sea slug Pleurobranchaea maculata is a vector of two potent neurotoxins in coasts of Argentina

Marine Biology 166: 82


Scarabino F, Amorim Lucena R, Munilla T, Soler-Membrives A, Ortega L, Schwindt E, López G, Orensanz JM", Christoffersen M

Pycnogonida (Arthropoda) from Uruguayan waters (Southwest Atlantic): annotated checklist and biogeographic considerations

Zootaxa 4550(2): 185-200


Giachetti CB, Battini N, Bortolus A, Tatián M, Schwindt E

Effects of macropredators and seasonality on the structure of invaded macrofouling communities in a cold-temperate port

Journal of Marine Experimental Biology and Ecology 518: 151177


Bortolus A, Adam P, Adams JB, Ainouche M, Ayres D, Bertness M, Bouma T, Bruno J, Caçador I, Carlton JT, Castillo JM, Costa C, Davy A, Deegan L, Duarte B, Figueroa E, Gerwein J, Gray A, Grosholz E, Hacker SD, Hughes A, Mateos-Naranjo E, Mendelssohn I, Morris JT, Muñoz-Rodríguez A, Nieva FJ, Levin LA, Li B, Liu W, Pennings S, Pickart A, Redondo-Gómez S, Richardson DM, Salmon A, Schwindt E, Silliman B, Sotka E, Stace C, Ojaveer H, Temmerman S, Turner RE, Valiela I, Weinstein M, Weis J

Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus

Ecology 100: e02863


Bouza P, Ríos I, Idaszkin YL, Bortolus A

Patagonian salt marsh soils and oxidizable pedogenic pyrite: solid phases controlling aluminum and iron contents in acidic soil solutions

Environmental Earth Sciences 78:


Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Marine Bioinvasion Research From Over 40 Countries Debated in Patagonia



Adami M, Schwindt E, Tablado A, Calcagno J, Labraga J, Orensanz JM"

Intertidal mussel beds from the South-western Atlantic show simple structure and uniform appearance: does environmental harshness explain the community?

Marine Biology Research 14(4): 403-419


Ríos I, Bouza P, Bortolus A, Alvarez M

Soil-geomorphology relationships and landscape evolution in a southwestern Atlantic tidal salt marsh in Patagonia, Argentina

Journal of South American Earth Sciences 84: 385-398


Scarabino F, Maggioni T, Taverna A, Lagger C, Schwindt E, Orensanz JM", López G, Ortega L, García-Rodríguez F, Tatián M

Ascidiacea (Chordata, Tunicata) from Uruguay (SW Atlantic): checklist and zoogeographic considerations

Revista del Museo de Ciencias Naturales B. Rivadavia 20(2): 251-270


Schwindt E, Battini N, Giachetti C, Castro K, Bortolus A

Especies exóticas marino costeras: Argentina

Vázquez Mazzini, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Aquatic Invasion Biology Research in South America: geographic patterns, advances and perspectives

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 20(4): 322-333


Mendez MM, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Influence of the physical structure of an invasive barnacle in structuring macroinvertebrate assemblages

Ecología Austral 27: 296-304


Farías NE, Wood SA, Obenat S, Schwindt E

Genetic barcoding confirms the presence of the neurotoxic sea slug Pleurobranchaea maculata in southwestern Atlantic

New Zealand Journal of Zoology 43(3): 292-298


Scarabino F, Zelaya D, Orensanz JM", Ortega L, Defeo O, Schwindt E, Carranza A, Zaffaroni J, Martinez G, Scarabino V, García-Rodríguez F

Cold, warm, temperate and brackish: Bivalve diversity in a complex oceanographic scenario (Uruguay, Southwestern Atlantic)

American Malacological Bulletin 33(2): 284-301


Bonelli AG, Giachetti CB, Jaureguizar AJ, Milessi AC

First report of predation by a small shark on the invasive rapa whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) in Argentinean waters

Bioinvasions Records 5(3): 169-172


Mendez MM, Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Differential benthic community response to increased habitat complexity mediated by an invasive barnacle

Aquatic Ecology 49(4): 441-452


Mendez MM, Schwindt E, Bortolus A, Roche A, Maggioni M, Narvarte M

Ecological impacts of the austral-most population of Crassostrea gigas in South America: a matter of time?

Ecological Research 30: 979-987


Savoya V, Gomez Otero J, Schwindt E

Toward a better understanding of the native-non native status of Mytilus mussels in the Southwestern Atlantic: comparing pre-european middens and modern populations

Journal of Coastal Research 31(3): 742-748


Bortolus A, Carlton JT, Schwindt E

Reimagining South American coasts: unveiling the hidden invasion history of an iconic ecological engineer

Diversity and Distributions 21(11): 1267-1283


Raffo MP, Geoffroy A, Destombe C, Schwindt E

First record of the invasive red alga Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) on the Patagonian shores of the Southwestern Atlantic

Botanica Marina 57(1): 21-26


Raffo MP, Lo Russo V, Schwindt E

Introduced and native species on rocky shore macroalgal assemblages: Zonation patterns, composition and diversity

Aquatic Botany 112: 57-65


Bigatti G, Signorelli J, Schwindt E

Potential invasion of the Atlantic coast of South America by Semimytilus algosus (Gould, 1850)

Bioinvasions Records 3(4): 241-246


Castillo JM, Grewell B, Pickart A, Bortolus A, Peña C, Figueroa E, Sytsma M

Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Spartina densiflora (Poaceae) along a broad latitudinal gradient on the Pacific coast of North America

American Journal of Botany 101(5): 1-11


Idaszkin YL, Bortolus A, Bouza P

Flooding effect on the distribution of native austral cordgrass Spartina densiflora in Patagonian salt marshes

Journal of Coastal Research 30: 59-62


Giachetti CB, Roccatagliata D

Acutihumerus patagoniensis (Sieg, 1986) (Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae): supplementary description and remarks on its taxonomic status

Zootaxa 3861(4): 345-354


Mendez MM, Sueiro MC, Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Invasive barnacle fouling on an endemic burrowing crab mobile basibionts as vectors to invade a suboptimal habitat

Thalassas 30(1): 39-46


Schwindt E, López-Gappa JJ, Raffo MP, Tatián M, Bortolus A, Orensanz JM", Alonso G, Diez ME, Doti B, Genzano G, Lagger C, Lovrich G, Piriz ML, Mendez MM, Savoya V, Sueiro MC

Marine fouling invasions in ports of Patagonia (Argentina) with implications for legislation and monitoring programs.

Marine Environmental Research 99: 60-68


Sueiro MC, Schwindt E, Mendez MM, Bortolus A

Interactions between ecosystem engineers: a native species indirectly facilitates a non-native one

Acta Oecologica 51: 11-16


Alurralde G, Torre L, Schwindt E, Castilla JC, Tatián M

A re-evaluation of morphological characters of the invasive ascidian Corella eumyota reveals two different species at the tip of South America and in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.

Polar Biology 36(7): 957-968


Turra A, Cróquer A, Carranza A, Mansilla A, Areces AJ, Werlinger C, Bayón C, Nassar C, Plastino E, Schwindt E, Scarabino F, Chow F, Lopes Figueroa F, Berchez F, Hall-Spencer J, Soto L, Buckeridge MS, Széchy MT, Ghilardi-Lopes N, Horta P, Coutinho R, Fraschetti S, Leão Z

Global environmental changes: setting priorities for Latin American coastal habitats

Global Change Biology 19(7): 1965-1969


Mendez MM, Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Patterns of substrata use by the invasive acorn barnacle Balanus glandula in Patagonian salt marshes.

Hydrobiologia 700(1): 99-107


Doti B, Schwindt E, Scarabino F

First record of the exotic isopod Sphaeroma serratum (Crustacea: Isopoda) from Uruguayan waters (southwestern Atlantic)

Zootaxa 3565: 65-68


Sueiro MC, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

The role of the physical structure of Spartina densiflora Brong. in structuring macroinvertebrate assemblages

Aquatic Ecology 46(1): 25-36


Bortolus A

Guiding authors to reliably use taxonomic names

Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27(8): 418


Bortolus A

Running like Alice and losing good ideas: On the quasi-compulsive use of English by non-native English speaking scientists

AMBIO 41(7): 769-772


Idaszkin YL, Bortolus A, Bouza P

Ecological processes shaping Central Patagonian salt marsh lanscapes

Austral Ecology 36(1): 59-67


Idaszkin YL, Bortolus A

Does low temperature prevent Spartina alterniflora from expanding toward the austral-most salt marshes?

Plant Ecology 212(4): 553-561


Sueiro MC, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Habitat complexity and community composition: relationships between different ecosystem engineers and the associated macroinvertebrate assemblages

Helgoland Marine Research 65(4): 467-477


Simberloff D, Bortolus A, Schwindt E

Non-natives: 141 scientists object

Nature 475: 36


Tatián M, Schwindt E, Lagger C, Varela MM

Colonization of Patagonian harbors (SW Atlantic) by an invasive sea squirt

Spixiana 33(1): 111-117


Savoya V, Schwindt E

Effect of the substratum in the recruitment and survival of the introduced barnacle Balanus glandula (Darwin 1854) in Patagonia, Argentina

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 382(2): 125-130


Mendez MM, Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Relationships between macroinfaunal invertebrates and physicochemical factors in two sandy beaches of Patagonia

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90(3): 429-435


Bortolus A, Schwindt E, Bouza P, Idaszkin YL

A characterization of patagonian salt marshes

Wetlands 29(2): 772-780


Schwindt E, Bortolus A, Idaszkin YL, Savoya V, Mendez MM

Salt marsh colonization by a rocky shore invader: Balanus glandula Darwin (1854) spreads along the Patagonian coast

Biological Invasions 11(6): 1259-1265


Bortolus A

Error cascades in the biological sciences: the unwanted consequences of using bad taxonomy in ecology

AMBIO 37(2): 114-118


Salazar Vallejo S, Gonzalez NE, Schwindt E

Taxonomía de invertebrados marinos: necesidades en Latinoamérica

Interciencia 33(7): 510-517


Geller J, Sotka E, Kado R, Palumbi S, Schwindt E

Sources of invasions of a Northeastern Pacific acorn barnacle, Balanus glandula Darwin 1854 in Japan and Argentina

Marine Ecology Progress Series 358: 211-218


Fortune P, Schierenbeck K, Ayres D, Bortolus A, Catrice O, Brown L, Ainouche M

The enigmatic invasive Spartina densiflora: A history of hybridizations in a polyploid context

Molecular Ecology 17(19): 4304-4316


Kelaher B, Castilla JC, Prado L, York P, Schwindt E, Bortolus A

Spatial variation in molluscan assemblages from coralline turfs of Argentinean Patagonia.

Journal of Molluscan Studies 73(2): 139-143


Schwindt E

Ficopomatus enigmaticus. The invasive Species Compendia.

Wallingford, UK: CABI


Bortolus A, Schwindt E

What would have Darwin written now?

Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 337-345


Schwindt E

The invasion of the acorn barnacle Balanus glandula in the south-western Atlantic 40 years later

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87(5): 1219-1225


Bortolus A

The austral cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brong.: its taxonomy, biogeography and natural history

Journal of Biogeography 33(1): 158-168


Cohen A, Harris L, Bingham B, Carlton JT, Chapman J, Lambert C, Lambert G, Ljubenkov L, Murray S, Schwindt E

Rapid Assessment Survey for exotic organisms in southern California bays and harbors, and abundance in port and non-port areas.

Biological Invasions 7(6): 995-1002


Schwindt E, De Francesco C, Iribarne OO

Individual and reef growth of an invasive reef-building polychaete in a SW Atlantic coastal lagoon

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84(5): 987-993

Capítulos de Libros

Anchor 3


Therriault T, Campbell M, Deidun A, Galil B, Hewitt C, Inglis G, Ojaveer H, Park C, Qiao B, Ruwa R, Schwindt E

Invasive Species

Second World Ocean Assessment

United Nations


Christofoletti R, Gobin J, Guichard F, Medinets S, Schwindt E, Sigwart J

Biogenic reefs and sandy, muddy and rocky shore substrates

Second World Ocean Assessment

United Nations


Gil MN, Giarratano E, Barros V, Bortolus A, Codignotto J, Góngora ME, Lovrich G, Monti A, Pascual M, Rivas A, Schenke R, Tagliorette A

Southern Argentina: The Patagonian continental shelf

World Seas: an environmental evaluation

Academic Press, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-12-805068-2. 892 pp.


Yorio P, Caille G, Schwindt E, Tagliorette A, Esteves JL, Crespo E, Arias A, Harris G

Conservación de la Diversidad Biológica en la Zona Costera de la Patagonia Argentina. La zona costera patagónica: pesca y conservación

La zona costera patagónica argentina. Volumen III: Pesca y Conservación

Editorial Universitaria de la Patagonia, ISBN/ISSN: 978-987-1937-44-8. 232 pp.


Berchez F, Mansilla A, Ghilardi-Lopes N, Schwindt E, Leite K, Rozzi R

Ecology and Education in Marine Protected Areas: Insights from Brazil and South America

Earth stewardship, linking ecology and ethics in theory and practice

Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-319-12132-1. 450 pp.


Spivak E, Schwindt E

Crustacea: Balanomorfos (Cirripedia: Thoracica)

Biodiversidad de Artrópodos argentinos (Volumen 3)

Editorial INSUE - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 564 pp.


Schwindt E

El ambiente intermareal. Conservando los recursos naturales desde el nivel inicial

Conservando los recursos naturales desde el nivel inicial: La biodiversidad costera patagónica

Fundación Patagonia Natural, 150 pp.


Schwindt E

Especies exóticas en el Mar Patagónico y sectores aledaños

Foro para la Conservación del Mar Patagónico y áreas de influencia. Estado de Conservación del Mar Patagónico y áreas de influencia

Edición del Foro, 809 pp.


Bortolus A

Influencia de los ambientes costeros patagónicos sobre los ecosistemas marino-oceánicos: las marismas como caso de estudio

Foro para la Conservación del Mar Patagónico y áreas de influencia. Estado de Conservación del Mar Patagónico y áreas de influencia

Edición del Foro, 809 pp.


Schwindt E, Obenat S

El poliqueto invasor formador de arrecifes Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, 1923) en ambientes estuariales. Invasores invertebrados exóticos en el Rio de la Plata y región marina aledaña

Invasores Invertebrados exóticos en el Río de la Plata y región marina aledaña

EUDEBA, 377 pp.

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